2023 Biometrics Industry Survey

Biometrics Institute 2023 industry survey

31 August 2023

As biometrics evolve the industry demands stronger safeguards

Now in its fourteenth year, the Biometrics Institute’s 2023 Industry Survey provides insights into trends and developments from the past year as well as a forecast of what to expect in the future.

The findings highlight the attitudes on several key issues and set the tone for discussions amongst Biometrics Institute members and key stakeholders.

Significant developments on the horizon, especially with AI

As a key enabler in biometrics, development in digital identity is again expected to increase by 30%.

The Institute’s updated Digital Onboarding and Biometrics paper and recently released Digital Identity and Biometric Authentication paper provide good practice guidance to improve performance of biometric digital onboarding services and assist those involved with implementing biometric authentication in a secure and effective manner.

Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) has more than doubled from 8% in 2022 to 19% in 2023. In the short-term, AI is also expected to surpass digital identity as the most significant development in biometrics.

“With AI anticipated to revolutionise biometrics in the next 5 years, it’s more important than ever to understand what matters so we can put safeguards and policies in place to ensure responsible and ethical use” says Isabelle Moeller, Chief Executive of the Biometrics Institute.

Privacy and data protection continue to be the top priority, but can policy keep up?

According to respondents, privacy and data protection concerns are the biggest obstacle to the growth of the biometrics market (54%). Biometric data is unique and can be used to identify individuals, so it is important to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. However, the ongoing development of biometrics makes it difficult for policy and regulation to keep pace. As a result, 57% of experts believe that policy and regulation will struggle to keep up with all aspects of biometric development in the next decade.

The Institute’s Privacy Guidelines and Three Laws of Biometrics which demand that policy and safeguards for biometrics are addressed first in any biometric implementation are fundamental in helping organisations overcome these limitations.

Acceptance of biometrics requires education

Without a good understanding about biometrics, people are likely to believe information that is not always accurate. 87% cite acceptance of biometrics requiring significant education of citizens.

The public needs to understand how their biometric data will be used. Governments and businesses can play a key role in educating them about biometrics. They can set clear standards for data protection and privacy, and they can provide resources such as the Institute’s freely available Biometrics Essentials learning tool, to help people learn more about the technology so they can make informed decisions.

A summary report of the 2023 survey findings is available from the Biometrics Institute website. For more facts, not fluff support the Biometrics Institute’s mission and promote the responsible, ethical and effective use of biometrics.


Notes to editors:

255 industry professionals across the world completed the online survey in June 2023.

The information in this press release is taken from the summary of the Annual Survey 2023. For further information on the survey findings, please contact manager@biometricsinstitute.org

About the Biometrics Institute:

The Biometrics Institute is the independent and impartial international membership organisation for biometric users and other interested parties. It was established in 2001 to promote the responsible and ethical use of biometrics and has offices in London and Sydney.

The member register which represents a global and diverse multi-stakeholder community now lists over 200 membership organisations from 34 countries. It includes banks, airlines, government agencies, biometric experts, privacy experts, suppliers, academics and 10 Observers representing United Nations agencies, IGOs and European Union institution.

The Biometrics Institute connects the global biometrics community. It shares knowledge with its members and key stakeholders and most importantly, develops good practices and thought leadership for the responsible, ethical and effective use of biometrics.

For more information, please email Marco Lombardi.


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