As part of the Institute’s 20th anniversary (11 October 2001), we highlighted how Biometrics Institute Members have recognised challenges and worked towards good practices to ensure responsible and ethical implementation of biometrics.
Our special edition Two decades of biometrics: a story of responsible use showcases how biometrics have made a positive contribution to our world in the areas of privacy and policy; technology innovation; research and development; applications and case studies. It’s as valuable today, as when it was released.
Responsible biometrics report
As biometric technology development and adoption continues to move at high-speed, the Institute has created a strong basis for its community to address challenges for privacy and policy in a timely manner.
Our Two decades of biometrics: a story of responsible use report contains over 30 success stories including:
- Border management
- Biometrics use in schools and financial institutions
- Refugee management
- Disaster victim identification after the Tsunami
- Biometrics in e-passports and privacy
- Managing digital identities
We release good practice guides and other important documents on an ongoing basis and at our annual Congress. This not to be missed event attracts over 250 delegates from around the globe and takes place during our October Biometrics Week.
Biometrics success stories
There’s a lot of positive news to share about biometrics and the groundbreaking results our responsible suppliers have achieved. Read more about these success stories in biometrics applications and use cases, biometrics privacy and policy, biometrics research and development and biometrics technology and innovation. All from our Two decades of biometrics: a story of responsible use report.
Get featured in future biometrics reports
Members can submit success stories to our Comms Team for consideration and inclusion in future communications. If you aren’t a member and would like to raise awareness about the positive contribution biometrics have made, there are many reasons to join the Institute.