Biometrics concepts and solutions reports

As biometrics become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, assisting with tasks like unlocking phones, streamlining travel, and enhancing security, transparency about their use and demonstrating their benefits is crucial for building public trust. Ensuring responsible and ethical implementation is paramount. This page provides access to reports exploring how to achieve this, showcasing real-world insights, lessons learned, and tested solutions for the ethical and responsible use of biometrics, both today and in the future.

These reports offer valuable thought leadership from industry experts, addressing the key issues and challenges surrounding biometrics. They explore how to achieve responsible biometric implementations in systems that interact with the public, emphasising impartiality, clearly defined usage, and robust controls. The submissions within these reports present practical examples and potential solutions, supporting the Biometrics Instituteā€™s mission to promote the responsible and ethical use of biometrics and demonstrate the potential of the many types of biometrics technologies. Since our first Concepts and Solutions report was released in 2020, these reports have been downloaded over 16,000 times, demonstrating their value to the wider community. These reports are prepared by supplier members of the Biometrics Institute, with submissions vetted by the Institute before inclusion.

Explore the biometrics concepts and solutions reports

Membersā€™ concepts and solutions for the future of responsible biometrics
This report explores future trends and challenges in biometrics, focusing on responsible implementation and ethical considerations. It highlights the importance of rigorous testing and showcases 30 real-world use cases, examining emerging technologies and their potential impact on society. These examples provide valuable perspectives on ensuring biometric technologies respect privacy and build public trust. The report addresses the growing demand for transparency and accountability in biometric systems, demonstrating how responsible development and deployment can achieve this, and offering insights into building trust and ensuring public acceptance. Find out more and get the report here.

Membersā€™ concepts and solutions for Biometrics and Digital Identity
This report focuses on the intersection of biometrics and digital identity, exploring how these technologies can work together to create secure and user-friendly solutions. It addresses issues such as privacy, security, and interoperability, offering practical guidance for implementing effective digital identity systems. Find out more and get the report here.

Membersā€™ biometric solutions and concepts for COVID-19
This 2021 report explores the evolving landscape of biometrics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores how these technologies supported public health initiatives, with submissions ranging from standards for vaccine passport development and testing, to ensuring hygienic elections, and even considering the future of sport. The report also addresses concerns about privacy and data security. Find out more and get the report here.

Membersā€™ biometric solutions and concepts for COVID-19
This 2020 report, published earlier in the pandemic, explores the use of biometrics in response to COVID-19. How biometric technology can help mitigate the spread of viruses in various settings, including offices, hospitals, airports, and secure locations. It addresses the challenges of traditional access methods like fingerprint readers and card access, exploring contactless solutions and hygiene considerations. The report covers a wide range of applications, from secure e-voting and user verification in healthcare to contactless payments and remote onboarding. Find out more and get the report here.

For suppliers of biometrics, also visit our supplier directory.

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responsible use of Biometrics