Thank you for being part of the Institute community and we look forward to seeing you at our forthcoming event. To ensure the best possible experience for all participants, we have established some basic guidelines for participation and principles around etiquette at our events. 
By participating in our event, you agree that you have read and will adhere to these principles and guidelines for participation and etiquette when you engage with your fellow attendees at Institute events. 

Statement of Trusted Conversations 

Discussions and presentations at our events are protected and bound by the Institute’s Statement of Trusted Conversations, operating under the Chatham House Rule, which specifically says that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. 

Principles for participation and networking at Institute events 
  • Respect others – give feedback and pose questions in a non-confrontational and civil way. Focus on the content of sessions and panel discussions and not on speakers or the company they represent.  
  • Respect the mission of the Institute and act accordingly – the Institute offers a unique platform for the international biometrics community to gather to help promote the responsible, ethical, and effective use of biometrics and related technologies. Network with other participants in a way that speaks to the Institute’s mission and supports the success of this mission. 
  • Use caution when discussing products or services – direct promotion, advertising, demos, and display of products or services by participants other than our sponsors is not permitted. Do not set up any meeting or side event that could distract participants’ attention away from the Institute’s event programme and be in conflict with that event’s sessions. 
  • Respect intellectual property – do not use any material presented at our events unless you have express permission from the Institute or the speaker to do so.  
  • Defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, and offensive behaviours will not be tolerated at any Institute event and participants who do not adhere to the Institute’s code of conduct may be asked to leave the event.  
Social media 
  • Our events operate under the Institute’s Statement of Trusted Conversations and the Chatham House Rule, which means that the content of discussions remains confidential. However, participants are encouraged to share the general sense and themes of the event, without attributing specific quotes or opinions to individuals. 
  • As a participant, you may post about the kinds of conversations and topics you are hoping to have with our international, multi-stakeholder community ahead of our events, and why having those conversations is important to help us all reach our goal of responsible, ethical and effective use of biometrics. Avoid mentioning your organisation and meet ups. Please act with honesty and integrity in all your social media interactions, ensuring all posts are transparent and make it clear whether you are a delegate or sponsor. 
  • Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see and always be clear that you attended an Institute event. 

Photo usage: 

  • You can share a photo/s of yourself attending an event 
  • Avoid including any identifiable details in the background that might compromise the anonymity of other participants 
  • Images of participants wearing a red lanyard cannot be taken or published 

Please acquaint yourself with these important guidelines and principles and refer to the examples below.  

If you have any questions, please do get in touch. In order to continue to foster an environment that encourages respectful and collaborative dialogue, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate membership of this community or refuse registrations to future Institute events to anyone who does not adhere to this code of conduct.  

Guidelines for posting on company social media channels 
Guidelines for posting on personal social media channels 

Lead the debate with us on the
responsible use of Biometrics