Mitigating Biometric Vulnerabilities in Digital Identity

Executive briefing presentation on how to mitigate biometric vulnerabilities

Informed decision-making in the digital identity era

The Biometrics Institute today released its new executive briefing, Mitigating Biometric Vulnerabilities in Digital Identity, designed to equip executives and stakeholders with the knowledge necessary to secure their digital identity systems.

“Clear and concise communication is crucial for busy decision-makers,” said Isabelle Moeller, CEO of the Biometrics Institute. “This briefing, presented in an easy-to-follow format provides a clear overview of the challenges associated with digital identity systems and how adversaries might exploit vulnerabilities in a biometric system.”

The briefing goes beyond challenges and attack points stakeholders need to guard against, summarising threats and countermeasures. While the full briefing is reserved for Institute members, key takeaways are available for all organisations navigating the evolving digital identity landscape. These include:

  • Security before convenience: While powerful, biometrics systems are nonetheless vulnerable to certain types of attack and mitigation must be considered.
  • Balance risks and outcomes: Adding protections adds cost and friction to customer experiences which need to be carefully balanced.
  • Manage risks in context: If vulnerabilities are managed, today’s biometric systems can make it much cheaper, easier and safer to implement robust digital identity systems.
  • Multiple attack points: These vary in accessibility to bad actors, resources needed to attack, scalability of attack volume, and the types of mitigations required.
  • Use available tools: The Biometrics Institute produces a range of material on vulnerabilities in biometric technologies.
  • Allocate resources to manage risk: Proactive monitoring is essential to stay ahead of evolving security challenges.

The Biometrics Institute also offers additional guidance for those seeking more information. A comprehensive good practice resource library includes a combination of public and member guides. Stakeholders can also learn more about effective and responsible biometrics in our Concepts and Solutions Report for biometrics and digital identity which provide insights into using biometrics from lessons learnt by the industry.


About the Biometrics Institute:

The Biometrics Institute is the independent and impartial international membership organisation for biometric users and other interested parties. It was established in 2001 to promote the responsible, ethical and effective use of biometrics and has offices in London and Sydney.

The member register, which represents a global and diverse multi-stakeholder community now lists over 200 membership organisations from 34 countries. It includes banks, airlines, government agencies, biometric experts, privacy experts, suppliers, academics and 14 Observers representing United Nations agencies, IGOs and European Union institution.

The Biometrics Institute connects the global biometrics community. It shares knowledge with its members and key stakeholders and most importantly, develops good practices and thought leadership for the responsible, ethical and effective use of biometrics.

For more information, please email Marco Lombardi:

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