Biometrics training and educational courses
Over the Institute’s 21-year history we have explored a range of ways to educate and train people on biometrics. Our ad-hoc topical workshops are scheduled alongside conferences and have successfully delivered training to our members on a range of key subjects.
We also offer some of our courses as bespoke training tailored to your specific needs including the Good Practice Framework workshop and the Introduction to Biometrics Course. Prices are available on request and we will be delighted to discuss a proposal with you and provide further information.
Other workshops are held on a regular basis subject to demand. If you are interested in any of these courses, please contact us. Please also see our calendar of events as some of the workshops may already have been scheduled.
Biometrics Essentials learning tool
Duration: 1 hour (approx)
Our first learning tool, Biometrics Essentials, is available to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Biometrics Essentials is an online course that provides an educational overview based on the ethics and good practices you should consider when implementing a biometric system.
We’re excited to announce that our Biometrics Essentials learning tool has been shortlisted in the Learning Technologies Awards 2023. The awards celebrate outstanding learning technologies worldwide and we’re a finalist in the “Excellence in the design of learning content category.”

Biometrics workshops and in-person training courses
Bespoke In-house Good Practice Framework workshop
Duration: 1/2 day
After releasing the Good Practice Framework (GPF) to members in October 2019, we needed to look at ways to put the content into operational use. Because every biometric use case and related policy is different, we developed this workshop to focus on your specific use case or organisational context for biometrics. As part of the workshop delivery, we review your use case against the GPF to determine questions and issues relevant for your circumstances. In 2022, we ran workshops for three of our members: two for government agencies who invited other government agencies to join, and one for a large corporate who invited different departments to participate. The workshops proved a very effective way to bring key decision-makers onto the same page. It provided the member with 25-80 bespoke questions of which 8 were discussed during the training.
Biometric Vulnerabilities and Presentation Attack Detection course
Duration: 1/2-day
The Biometrics Institute Technology and Innovation Group (TIG) has raised awareness around biometric vulnerabilities for over a decade. The group promotes the development of standards and finding ways to mitigate the risks. It has published several information papers on vulnerabilities and liveness to stakeholders understand biometrics challenges and solutions better.
This course offers the opportunity to engage in open dialogue and cover:
• Biometric vulnerabilities you need to be aware of
• What Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) and Liveness mean?
• Accreditations that are available to trust biometric systems
• Why testing is important
• The value of red-teaming
Duration: 1/2-day
Privacy and protecting data are key considerations when implementing biometrics. Our Biometrics and Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) workshop gives you an inside advantage with insights to implementing a successful PIA.
You’ll find out how to prepare and set up a PIA that can be used as a base resource for future privacy audits. Then you’ll understand the most appropriate format and how to to adapt and improve this to suit your organisational environment. We’ll cover privacy and data regulations, information mapping and assess against the Institute’s Privacy Guidelines principles. And how to make recommendations for improving privacy measures.
The Fundamentals of Biometrics Short Course
Duration: 1 day
This short course, developed by the Biometrics Institute, provides a broad understanding of implementing biometric systems. It delves into the critical policy issues, key processes and risk management challenges that should always be considered and addressed during the selection, procurement and operation of any biometric system.
Grounded in the Institute’s Good Practice Framework and the Three Laws of Biometrics (Policy, Process and Technology) course modules provide the recommended sequencing and prioritisation of key decisions and actions across the biometric lifecycle.
Duration: 2 days
Our introduction to biometrics course takes a participant through the foundational definitions and the scope of biometrics so they have a better understanding of the varying applications and terminology.
Day one begins with the basic definitions and scope of biometrics technologies. You’ll get to understand the various applications, performance metrics and considerations for implementing a biometric system as well as standards suited to help with project planning.
On the second day you’ll learn about how biometrics systems really work. How systems are evaluated and how the algorithms stack up against each other. You’ll cover how to create a robust system and the three pillars of system performance and topical case studies.
The Biometrics Institute provides training and course material as a tool to help you conduct due diligence. While the Institute has used reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the material and course, due to the content and variable inputs during and after the process of implementing biometrics, the Institute cannot be held accountable for outcomes or compliance. The material and course have been prepared for informational purposes only and are not intended to provide legal or compliance advice. You should consult your legal advisor should you require advice on the legal or compliance aspects of the material or course.