Two decades of biometrics: a story of responsible useBiometrics Institute thought leadership pieces

Please use the links below to access our latest thought leadership pieces:

Members’ Viewpoints: The Use of Facial Recognition in Policing

Members’ Viewpoints: The Relationship Between Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

State of Biometrics Report

Two decades of biometrics: a story of responsible use

Should we ban facial recognition?

NIST top 10 takeaways – demographic differences

Member insights and solutions

We are closely engaged with our members and are keen to hear their thoughts and solutions for addressing challenges and sharing lessons learnt which might be useful for the wider biometrics community. The Biometrics Institute does not endorse any of the submissions in the following reports and shares them for information purposes and to generate discussion.

Members’ concepts and solutions for the future of responsible biometrics

Members’ concepts and solutions for biometrics and digital identity 

Members’ biometric solutions and concepts for COVID-19 (2021)

Members’ biometric solutions and concepts for COVID-19 (2020)

Further information

We’re constantly creating more thought leadership pieces. For further information or if you are interested in membership please email

Lead the debate with us on the
responsible use of Biometrics