Biometric modality: Heartbeat – use cases


  • Continuous authentication – legitimate users of a smartphone or any other electronic device can unlock and access it using their heartbeat. The device will detect when the user moves away or stops using it and closes down to prevent unauthorised use. The entering and re-entering of passwords or biometrics such as face or fingerprints to reactivate the device becomes unnecessary. The same principle applies to venue access in secure locations as this would allow for the hands-free navigation of different areas by an individual without the need to present passes, sign in or scan another biometric.

  • In customer service environments the heartbeat of a registered individual can be detected and identified to provide a streamlined service, for example, at an airport check-in where all the required information about the passenger is made available as they approach the desk/check-in kiosk or flight departure gate.


Heartbeat key considerations   |   Heartbeat overview |   Other modalities

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